Dry Eye

What is it?

Dry eye is a complex but common eye surface problem, characterised by eye and lid inflammation and an unstable tear film. For some people with a dry feeling eye, this can cause their eyes to water.

What Causes it?

Dry Eye is an umbrella term for a symptom that has many causes.
Causes that may contribute to dry eye include:

  • Dry environments.

  • Pollution.

  • Some medications.

  • Computer use.

  • Some general health conditions

  • Contact lens wear.


Signs and Symptoms.

There’s a long list! It includes:

  • Gritty, red and uncomfortable eyes,

  • Red and swollen lids.

  • Light sensitivity.

  • Blurred or variable vision.


Another long list! Depending on the cause, you should consult your optometrist to see what is the best option for you. Prescription and non-prescription eye drops, oral antibiotics, environmental modification, omega 3 supplements. home lid hygiene regimes can all be helpful

Specialist treatment.

IPL therapy, in-office lid heat treatment, autologous serum eye drops, punctal plugs and meibomian gland expression. Your optometrist or ophthalmologist (especially one with a special interest in dry eye) can help choose the best options for you.

Related Conditions

Blepharitis and Meibomian gland dysfunction